About Me

Well, the clever reader would always figure out who I am and "about me" from the way I write, so we will leave it at that, shall we?

Thursday, October 26, 2006


In a sudden impulse suffused through a series of thoughts, I grab the pen to scribble away. Something I wish I had time for. But caught in the endless and tumultuous pursuits of the mundane and mediocre everyday life, the mind is enraptured and captured in the clutching claws of monotony. It is then that we realize the open embrace of the subtly beautiful world’s momentary stillness, with the thoughts of the star spangled night sky, the splashing waves of the infinite sea, the lush green grasslands… is the most sublime of all realities. Short lived, yet beautiful…

An inner reflection and contemplation of these thoughts makes my pen conjure up these words which maybe acceptable to many.

Life is not suave. Life is simple. It is a smooth flow unbridled and ever widening. But in mindless avocations, we complicate living and lose the essence of life. A life of fulfillment is one of simplicity, honesty and hard work; qualities that have become alien to us so much so that we need to put in a humongous amount of added effort to become what we already are – SIMPLE AND HONEST!!!

Life is simple. Set your heart free; let it soar across the skies, experience the enchantment of the sun rise when you just stand and see, lost in its mesmerizing splendour, wondering where the heaven ends and earth begins and gather the richness that life offers. Rise above the mediocrity and malice that maligns our lives because at the end of the day, you are answerable to only one person. He stands in the mirror and if you cannot look him in the eye with the talons of shame shredding you, then you know for sure that your existence has been in vain.

Are we in pursuit of this knowledge?? The knowledge that bestows LIFE and not mere living.

T.S Elliot wrote,
“The endless cycle of idea and action, endless experiment and endless invention,
Brings knowledge of motion, but not of stillness.
Knowledge of speech, but not of silence…
Where is the life we have lost in living?
Where is the wisdom we have lost in Knowledge?
Where is the knowledge we have lost in information? The...”

So it is time to take strides in the pursuit of Life, find true direction and meaning, the knowledge, the wisdom, then we can find fulfillment in life!!!

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